Customer testimonials

Ecimeuse couteaux double rangs

"Tailor-made support
adapted to my needs!"

This season, we have invested in a Terral double-row pruning machine. Very nice machine, easy to use and very efficient. As well as offering quality equipment, the Terral team are close at hand to provide advice and expertise, which are real plus points for the brand. Whether by telephone, or on site at the replacement parts workshop, they are ready to help.
L. Valdeyron (34)

Our satisfied customers tell us what they think

Simple and efficient, this new version of the Terral vine trunk cleaner does quality work!! I like how well it drives along the row over the soil, which makes my driving experience more enjoyable.
A. Poloni (34)
TERRAL equipment is robust and easy to use. I opted for the above ground shredder because I was looking for a tool with a shredding chamber that was high enough off the ground. I can shred vine shoots throughout the winter without destroying the plant cover that is growing there. Furthermore, I love how robust the shredder is. It adapts perfectly to all types of soil.
Broyeur à marteaux avec rouleau
B. Belly (33)
Château Moulin de Vignolle – Pleine Selve
The pre-pruner does a perfect and comfortable job, thanks to its automatic opening function as it detects vine stocks. I use cutter bars on the pre-pruner to make it easier for the trimmer to pass through. The reduced front overhang allows me to position the machine precisely.
P. Plouzennec (34)
Partner in Le Pouget
I was looking for a powerful and robust grape hoe weeder to use on clay and sandy soils in all seasons, and the TERRAL Grape Hoe Weeder was exactly what I needed. Its dual-action jack allows me to work on the soil at the foot of the vine, even in difficult conditions. Moreover, the long frame allows me change tools before using the grape hoe weeder, or to cultivate the interrows on my 45-hectare vineyard.
B. Belly (33)
Château Moulin de Vignolle – Pleine Selve
My pruning machine allows me to carry out pruning in one short, clean run, which saves a lot of time compared to doing it manually! The automatic opening to accommodate vine stocks makes it very comfortable to use.
Tailleuse mécanique
E. Vernazobres (34)
Having owned a Terral Grape Hoe Weeder with Blades for several years, I recently upgraded the non-reversible plough so that I could use this tool in a more versatile way. The main advantages of this grape hoe weeder are its durability and simple settings.
Interceps décavailloneuse
J-M. Guerre (34)